Monday, August 31, 2009

Carroll Street neighbors

This is my first entry to our block association blog. I would like all of us to become familiar with this vehicle so that we can better communicate with each other on any issues of importance or interest as a member of our Carroll street PPW block association

Bill Lawrence

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Block Party Saturday, Sept. 26th

Don't forget to save the date for the Carroll Street/PPW annual fall block party. The day will start with a blockwide stoop sale and include games and activities for kids and a potluck dinner that evening. Please leave a comment if you'd like to help with the planning of this special event or if you have any suggestions. We look forward to seeing you there!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

September 26 -- SAVE THE DATE!

The Block Association planning committee has chosen Saturday, September 26 for our Annual Block Party; and we are considering expanding it this year to include a sit down pot luck dinner following a fun filled day of classic Brooklyn street games, activities and stoop sales. Please save the date.

It is our desire to have all families and children share in both the day's festivities and the dinner. In order to give our day a more festive and formal feel and to protect us against bad weather, we are thinking of using some remaining Block Association funds to rent a tent. Estimates received so far are about $600.00 for the tent for the day. We will be sending an email shortly asking you to vote on whether we should procure a tent for the block party -- once we have updated our email list.

We ask that you help us expand and update our email list, so we can communicate more effectively with everyone. Please print and fill out the form below if you wish to receive communications from the association and either drop it off at Bill Lawrence's home at 857 Carroll or email it to him at

Anyone who is interested in helping out with the block party, please speak up. More volunteers on the planning committee would be deeply appreciated. Please also pass this on to anyone you think might want to be added to our block association mailing list.

Name of primary contact for your household:


Address ____________________________________________________

Email addresses: _______________________________________________


Phone: ____________________________________________________

Names of other members of your household who wish to be included:


Do you want to volunteer? ____________________________________